[Updated] Over half (52.7%; 29/55) of Rhode Island’s November, 2021 COVID-19 deaths were among the fully vaccinated; Naturally acquired immunity reduced that risk by 20-fold (per 100,000)

Bottom line:

There was 1/14th the rate of hospitalization and 1/20th the rate of death, comparing those with natural immunity to covid-19, regardless of vaccination status, to those fully vaccinated

Hyperlink to e-mail from Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) releasing data to Rep. Mike Chippendale:  Chippendale data release email 12.22.21

Link to excel file with raw RIDOH data: Nov 21_Hytinen_CaseHospDeath_20211217_

Estimates of fully vaccinated, not fully vaccinated, and previously infected at November, 2021 midpoint (11/15/21) from RIDOH, U.S. census data (July 1, 2021; n=1,095, 610) https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/RI/PST045219, and https://covidestim.org/ (a CDC sponsored website run by Harvard, Stanford, & Yale epidemiologists; n=60% of Rhode Islanders were infected, cumulatively, at some point during the pandemic as of 11/15/21):

  • 733,718 fully vaccinated
  • 361,982 not fully vaccinated
  • 657,356 with a history of prior infection at some point during the pandemic

474 hospitalizations (with/from covid-19)

  • 198 (41.8%) among fully vaccinated; Rate= 27.0/100,000
  • 276 (58.2%) among not fully vaccinated; Rate= 76.2 /100,000
  • 13 (2.7%) among previously infected regardless of vaccination status; Rate= 2.0/100,000

55 deaths (with/from covid-19)

  • 29 (52.7%) among fully vaccinated; Rate= 4.0/100,000
  • 26 (47.3%) among not fully vaccinated; Rate= 7.2/100,000
  • 1 (1.8%) among previously infected regardless of vaccination status; Rate=0.2/100,000

Rhode Island raw data on covid-19 infections by vaccination and prior infection status, November, 2021

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