Diana West Interviewed About the Emerging Libyan Zabibahstan

Mustafa Abdul Jalil, Zabibah-prominent current “moderate leader” of the emerging NATO-backed Libyan Zabibahstan (via John Rosenthal): “The most prominent of the defectors, the president of the NTC, Mustafa Abdul Jalil, is likewise described by the authors as a ‘traditionalist’ who is ‘supported by the Islamists.’ …Jalil played an important role in the ‘Bulgarian nurses affair,’ so called for five Bulgarian nurses who, along with a Palestinian doctor, were charged with deliberately infecting hundreds of children with AIDS in a hospital in Benghazi. As chair of the Appeals Court in Tripoli, Jalil twice upheld the death penalty for the nurses. In 2007, the nurses and the Palestinian doctor were released by the Libyan government following negotiations in which French president Nicolas Sarkozy’s then wife, Cecilia, played a highly publicized role.”


Diana West gave a very revealing interview this morning (8/25/11) to WHJJ’s Helen Glover about the emerging post-Qadaffi Libyan Zabibahstan. Simply put, this discussion shatters the corrosive drivel being peddled by so-called pundits across the political spectrum.

To listen go here, and then click “play.”

For background see these blogs by Diana (here, here), John Rosenthal, Andrew McCarthy, and myself.

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