Audio Link to My Interview Today (7/21/08) With Dennis Prager


Audio link to my interview with Dennis Prager earlier today, Monday July 21, 2008, about The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism.


We also delved into the pressing (and profoundly depressing) contemporary subject of Shi’ite Iran’s annihilationist Jew hatred.


With regard to one of the ultimate motivations for Islam’s core, theological Antisemitism, this  observation from Tor Andrae’s 1936 biography of Muhammad provides a remarkably concise, pellucid formulation:


One must see Mohammed’s cruelty toward the Jews against the background of the fact that their scorn and rejection was the greatest disappointment of his life, and for a time they threatened completely to destroy his prophetic authority. For him, therefore, it was a fixed axiom that the Jews were the sworn enemies of Allah and His revelation. Any mercy toward them was out of the question.


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