Addended: Israel’s Peace Partner: “On Saturday we kill the Jews, and on Sunday we kill the Christians.”

Leila Gilbert, author of  Saturday People, Sunday People: Israel Through the Eyes of a Christian Sojourner was interviewed at NRO by Kathryn Lopez. Gilbert made the following seemingly self-evident observation, but for the willful obfuscation of a repugnantly biased, Islamophilic, and increasingly Antisemitic “mainstream” media:

Actually, Israel is the only country in the Middle East where the Christian population is growing. This doesn’t include the Muslim-majority territories under the Palestinian Authority where — as in the rest of the Middle East — Christians are leaving.

She also recounts how the Palestinian Muslim flag  was displayed during the first Muslim Intifada demonstrations with an Arabic inscription which stated, “On Saturday we kill the Jews, and on Sunday we kill the Christians.”

Addendum: An academic translation of the Arabic inscription on the flag by Arabic Professor Dr. Michael Schub, follows: “It’s Saturday, so kill (/ fa-qattil /), i.e. massacre (frequentitive usage of Form II verb), the Jews; on Sunday, massacre the Christians.” Thus: “It’s Saturday, so massacre the Jews; on Sunday, massacre the Christians.”

Leila Gilbert’s recent book contains this same image, here.

PA_Flag with Info







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